刺繍をすることに人生を捧げてきた彼女たちに、少しでもこの素晴らしい手仕事に誇りを持って、笑顔にできたらそれでいい、、、希望を持って始めたDAR AMAL(ダールアマル)は、日本でも希望となって多くの皆さまに愛していただけるブランドとなりました。
Women in a small village have been embroidering their entire lives in obscurity with needle and thread, as they have been drawing a life with embroidery. DAR AMAL was launched with hope simply to make these women sho dedicated their lives on embroidering proud of their amazing handworks even slightly and make them smile. Now our hope is connected to the people in Japan. We grew as a brand loved by many people.
Our wish is to continuously bring caring customers beautiful products made by hands including embroideries across different lands and countries.